Data in depth
The era of robotic inspection is here. Our autonomous sensor systems survey your pool to extract the information you need! Temperature? pH? Oxygen? Microscopic life? Structural integrity? Check-check-check!
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Our team of experts provide personalized support and custom engineered solutions for all your problems
Over 30 years of experience in robotics challenges refined our unique vision and enables quick solutions.
Delivered many projects in the automotive, energy, telecommunications and nuclear sectors.
Reduce your risks today!
Any business that depends on liquid storage pools or ponds needs to understand the current state of the asset to reduce health, safety and environmental risks and operational costs.
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Robotic Inspection and Maintenance
We have finished our Technology Demonstration project in collaboration with FundingBox, ŁUKASIEWICZ Research Network - Industrial Research Institute for Automation & Measurements PIAP and the Technical University of Košice (TUKE) Prototyping and Innovation Centre
Learn moreThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme within the framework of the RIMA Project funded under grant agreement No 824990.
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